Sunday, May 20, 2007


Seven random facts about moi?

1. I eat frozen berries almost every night. Stupidly delicious. With Edible Oil Product too!

2. I was an accountant for a short while. Using a calculator is easy but Math is Hard! This was pre-computer age too. Bow down to my mathlete skillzor.

3. I think most good music must have loud screaming guitars in it. Hey electronic stuff has its place, but give me some good old Social Distortion/GnR/Queens of the Stone Age (HELLO JOSH HOMME!) any day. And with the exception of Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline and Dwight, I hate me the country music. Both kinds, country and western. HATE. I have to say my tolerance level has increased as I age. A *good thing*.

4. I have never been stung by a bee or wasp. I stepped on one when I was 3, but I reckon that was self defense for it to sting. Hence I am a little bit over scared of them. Like flappy hand, dance of fear scared.

5. I wear slippers all the time when I am home. I like my feets toasty roasty.

6. I taught myself to read when I was 3. According to my Daddy, I would sit on his back as he read the paper at night and one day he realised I was READING to him. At three. In grade 1 I was reading at a High School level and correcting the older kid who was *helping* me.

7. I am utterly addicted to all things The Office (US). Please, someone watch this show so I have someone else to babble with, my husband is just not enough. Go PAM!

Thanks Marnie!. I have no idea who else has been tagged, so please feel free to sign on at will...

Happy May long sweethearts!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Of cupcakes, dyelots and love


Random snaps of the food from book launch. Um how come figs are so good? Not as sweet as a cupcake (which I will cop to eating at least two of. Not nearly as many as Chris, but why mess with the master?) but fantastic with a nice smelly goat cheese. Mmmmmm.....

I have finished another sweater in Phildars Pure Laine 3 1/2. Its quite lovely, but I am having some um, issues. Ok its not Lion & Lamb but that is neither here nor there, its the colour that has me confused. All the same dye lot, but not the same colour. Really.

Its not that easy to see (and the spawn is being absolutely no help at all this morning, damn his teenage moods) so this pic will have to do. There is a definite colour change. Like 2 shades. I took this into work yesterday and with some help decided to emphasise it. Celebrate it if you will. Ok, not really celebration worthy I know but lets take it where it comes. You'll see the finished result soon. Really.

Today is May 8th right? Its mine and Chris' 8th anniversary. It should have been later but the year we got married was the year the new Star Wars movie came out and we could not compromise that opening day. I am so not kidding. One of the many reasons I love my man.

According to

Traditional Anniversary Gift: Bronze or Pottery
Modern Anniversary Gift: Appliance
Travel Anniversary Gift Ideas: Casino Visit

Um hay! That casino trip sounds MIGHTY FINE! Chris got me a spectacular cashmere sweater (on sale! WE LOVES A BARGAIN YES!) and he is getting a quick joystick charger and faceplate for his X Box 360. We are such buckers of tradition.

I love you Chris with all my heart.