I finally got around to taking the in progress pics I have been wanting to. Damn, if Chris wasn't so tall this puppy would have been done ages ago. As it is, the ribbing just kept growing and growing. A little longer.. just a little longer! The body is finally done and now I have a sleeve and a half to go. I like sleeves, they are great TV knitting.
I really can't whinge enough about how fabulous the Lorna's Laces is. Honestly, its like the super luxe workhorse of the knitting world. It take a frogging and keeps me blogging (groan). I do have some yarn on the way from Knitpicks that I am planning to make into (gasp) another sweater (gasp) for me. Its their sock weight yarn called Gloss (70% wool, 30% silk) and I thought I'd triple it up to make a decent weight for me. I am too impatient to do a sock weight yarn sweater. It would be beauteous no doubt, but SO FREAKING SLOW. So I did what any good slacker would do, make it bigger so it goes faster. Should be here in a weekish or so (Thanks Dana xoxoxox!) and then I will see if my vision matches the actual yarn. Riiiiiiiiiight. /eyeroll
Now I need to take a few minutes to welcome little Miss Lily April into the world. See, one of my pals sisters was one of the women who needed to be flown to Great Falls Montana for some neo-natal care we (in the richest city in Canada, in the wealthiest province) couldn't provide. A shame that is, but all is well so far and Little Peapod came into this world with lots of strangers cheering for her and making their good wishes work in her favour. For a full account please see:
(or Master Dana/Dana2 as we fondly call her) is the proud aunty, and we have set up a little preemie hat/clothes/donation bin at work thanks to the tireless efforts of Terra. Situations like this make me sad, but mostly mad at our sorry state of health care. But this is another post for another day when I am feeling much more RANTY. Right now, I am pretty ok with most things and I think you can credit this little guy for making me see the lighter side of everything.
I hope the snow stops soon, even though the shovelling is good exercise.. I can really do without it.
Your sweater is coming along so nicely, he better wear this one a lot (you can tell him I said that).
It wasn't much work at all to set up the bin for peapod working with such a great group of gals who are all so willing and able. Hope to see you soon.
Yeah, that sweater looks great so far (and how cute was that dog?! I liked the video of that tiny cat getting brushed, too. Silent mew.)
We'll see when Lily et al. get to come home to Calgary.. today my sister got the perturbing message that she might be discharged before Lily is, so she'd have to stay at a hotel until Lily is strong enough to be discharged and then flown to the Foothills. Why is this so crazy??
The donation box is a briliant idea. I hope it is soon full to the brim with hats 'n sweaters 'n lovely things for the new little one.
Oh, and also. Thanks for the "rack" comment. Much appreciated ;-D. Your sweater is awesome, hope your tall drink of water appreciates it. Lornas is great to work with isn't it, you really can't go wrong.
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