We had to get the fans out! Normally I would grouse somewhat about this, but after the shitty winter... BRING IT ON.
I have truly been on a lace knitting TEAR. I can't seem to get enough. Crazy is as crazy does. My back has been a nightmare, and doing intricate (yet semi-mindless) work seems to distract me. Well that and big pharma. Oh big pharma.. how I lurve you.
Plus I have been dyeing a little. Inside. Ha ha! But seriously. This is organic merino I got from Shuttleworks. Scrummy, soft, dreamy to spin. And now? Beautifully colourful.
Things I love right now:
xenergy energy drinks especially big apple!
organic strawberries.
chicken on salad.
cotton nighties.
new slippers.
my flat iron.
More to come..